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Women's socks with alpaca wool in ivory and beige

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Item number: D2192

Partially woolen ladies socks in a set with ivory and beige. The sock can be made longer by rolling back the cuff.

35% wool 30% polyacrylic 20% alpaka wool 15% polyamid

2 pair € 7.00
E.U.U.K.2.5 up to 5

Quantity of 1 = Set of 2 pair

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Grey socks with alpaca wool

With alpaca wool
Grey women's socks with alpaca wool
Set of two pair of women's socks with alpaca wool in grey tones. The turn over top is not stitched on, so it can be rolled back to make them longer.
Art. #D2192
2 pair € 7.00
35% wool 30% polyacrylic
20% alpaka 15% mix
Grey women's socks with alpaca wool
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